Monday, December 15, 2008

Merry Christmas and Thank you!

I have done a little reflecting over the course of this last week. It is 2008, and though my real estate business may not be as lofty as it was in 2004-06, I want you all to know how grateful I am for all of you. I have had a good year. Not a 2005 year, but a good year. I took a look at the source of my business and I found that out of the 38 transactions I was able to close this year, 31 were because of you. When I say you, I mean, past clients, or people I know that cared enough to refer me to others that were interested in buying or selling in our market. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your help and support. I could not have done it without you! You have kept me in business.

There is a lot of negative talk out there right now. Maybe some of you have lost your jobs, or your pay has been cut. I think it is time for all of us to focus on the positive and go to work. Sometimes I think it pays to put the blinders on a little and not believe what the main street media has to say all of the time. No matter what business we are all in, there are still people out there that want to do business. Sure it may take a lot more effort on our parts, and we may have to do the jobs we could have rejected a few years ago, but the point is, opportunities are out there if we will look and if we will believe it. Let’s keep our goals in mind, a prayer in our heart, a positive attitude and Go to work!

Lastly I want to get something else off my chest. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Yes, Christmas, not holidays, or winter break or winter solstice, but Christmas as in the day we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As the name shouts, I am a Christian, and I have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I know he lives, and I know through him and his atoning sacrifice we can return to live with our Father in Heaven some day. What a privilege to live in a land where I can celebrate this most wonderful of days, and to share these feelings with colleagues and friends without fear of retribution.

So, no matter what race, creed, religion or of what national origin you belong or what you or yours celebrate, and how you do it, I applaud you and am deeply thankful that you that right to celebrate and worship whomever or whatever your conscience dictates. I pray that you may do so with peace, love and without fear of retribution too, EVEN IF IT IS DIFFERENT FROM WHAT I BELIEVE.

May the love of the Lord be with all of us, and may we experience the love and peace that this season offers! Make it a great New Year, and thanks for letting me break away from being so P.C.


Unknown said...

Beautifully put! Merry Christmas to you and yours as well. This Christmas I wish for you... TIME! That you may enjoy your family, your health, and your freedom.

Peter said...

Denise and I glad to hear you're doing okay, Joe. We've been worried about you and your family during these difficult times.

All our best to you during this Wonderful time of year. May the Prince of Peace bring peace to your family and our troubled world.

Josie said...

Nicely said Joe! A Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Laguna Girl said...

Merry Christmas, Joe! It's easy to have loyal clients when they know they can trust you and count you as a true friend.

Hoping all the best for you and your family -

Love, Arica

Nana Shanna said...

Merry Christmas to you to Joe! We'll give you a call when we get to St. George in January!

The Andersens said...

Hi Joe, thanks for the update. Sounds like things are staying steady, which is a great thing right now:) We're still in Wyoming and loving it! Take care. Glad things are good down your way. Oh and yes we will pray for mild winds in Lake Powell:)Have fun.The Andersens

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